Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Iphone, Android , Windows7, WebOS

Throughout 2010 there were escalating tensions between Google Android and Apple iOS, as the two platforms emerged as the rising superpowers in the mobile world. But, if you thought things were heated between them last year, then as the saying goes, you ain’t seen nothing yet. These two ecosystems are on course for a massive collision in 2011 and the stakes are about to get a lot higher.
The arrival of the iPhone on Verizon is a major incursion into what had previously become Android territory. Android 3.0 “Honeycomb” (the tablet OS) is about to unleash an army of Android tablets in a full frontal assault on the iPad. There is going to be blood, but as my colleague Larry Dignan notes, the carnage is likely going to have a greater impact on the other competitors in the mobile market more than on Apple and Google themselves.

What about Microsoft, HP, BlackBerry, and Nokia?

Unfortunately, it looks like all four of these behemoths are on the wrong side of history. These guys are all going to be reduced to challenger status in 2011. They’ll be on the outside looking in. Both Microsoft (with Windows Phone 7) and HP (with Palm webOS) could have snatched some of the momentum away from Apple and Google a year ago in the smartphone market, but they’re a little late now. Even though both have solid products, their timing is off and they have a lot of ground to make up in winning over software developers to their platforms.
As for BlackBerry and Nokia, they both have a large installed base of customers to draw on and build from, but it’s not going to be enough to stem their losses in 2011. They are both too far behind when it comes to product innovation. Oh sure, they will continue to hold on to nice chunks of old market share in some places, but both will likely continue their decline at accelerating rates in 2011.

iPhone OS (iOS)

iOS (known as iPhone OS prior to June 2010) is Apple's mobile operating system. Originally developed for the iPhone, it has since been extended to support other Apple devices such as the iPod touchiPad and Apple TV. Apple does not license iOS for installation on third-party hardware. 

iOS is derived from Mac OS X, with which it shares the Darwin foundation, and is therefore a Unix-like operating system by nature.'

In iOS, there are four abstraction layers: the Core OS layer, the Core Services layer, the Media layer, and the Cocoa Touch layer. The operating system uses roughly 500 megabytes of the device's storage, varying for each model.[4]

Version 4 (iOS4), announced in April 2010, introduced multitasking, threaded email, and several business-oriented features.


Before iOS 4, multitasking was limited to a selection of the applications Apple included on the devices.[28] Apple worried that running multiple third-party applications simultaneously would drain batteries too quickly. Starting with iOS 4, on 3rd-generation and newer iOS devices, multitasking is supported through seven background APIs:[29]
  1. Background audio
  2. Voice over IP
  3. Background location
  4. Push notifications
  5. Local notifications
  6. Task finishing
  7. Fast app switching

[edit]Switching applications

Double-pressing the home button activates the application switcher. A scrollable dock-like interface appears from the bottom, moving the contents of the screen up. Choosing an icon switches to an application. To the far left are icons which function as music controls, and a rotation lock. Holding the icons briefly makes them wiggle (similarly to the homescreen) and allows the user to quit the applications.

Web OS

A good user interface, a developer-friendly backend and a host of new features like multitasking and contact Synergy.

Apps for the webOS platform are written primarily in JavaScript and HTML, programming languages used by developers to code for the web. So if you’re already a web developer — and after the early days of the dot-com boom who isn’t? — developing apps for webOS is relatively easy.

Alternatively, developing for Apple’s mobile operating system requires learning its tool chain. That means learning Cocoa Touch, Apple’s proprietary API for building iOS apps.